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Part numbers of Asus chargers
Asus chargers are listed below by part number, please check your part number and find the correct part number listed below,this will show you the full specification of the power adapter including Voltage, amp and pin size, you can find more infomation on asus chargers pin sizes and models numbers here and any questions contact us and we will be happy to help or if you know your Asus charger part number that starts 0A001, then either match below or simply enter this into our search above and it should show you the exact Asus chargers for that part number, we stock all the series from the small 45w 19v 2.37a with 4phi connector to the massive 280w 20v 14a 6phi charger, along wide all the latest USB type C range.
Showing 393 of 393 Products
Part numbers of Asus chargers
Showing products 1 to 96 of 393